Open your box immediately.

What Should You See: Let's be honest some really wilty, wrinkly, droopy, thirsty stems. This is 100% normal. You will want to panic, but don't. We promise you it will be okay! Remember, the stems have dehydrated during shipping and will use a lot of water when you first start your hydration process. Keep an eye on the water level.

What happens if a few do not open in a few days. Gently using your thumbs massage the bud, pulling the outer layers back. Place in the sun.

Prepare for your new peonies by doing the following:

Make sure your vase or vases are really clean. Add luke warm water.

Remove the peonies from the shipping box, recut the stems at an angle at least 1/2" to 1" from the bottom. Remove any leaves from the bottom that could potentially go inside the vase.

Place the vase in a cool area out of the sun for a few hours for them to hydrate. If you need them to open quicker, place them in warmer areas. Buds should open in 24-36 hours. You can place them in your refrigerator (Vase too) overnight to delay them from opening if you need to.

Daily Maintenance: (Most Important)

Re-cut the stems at the time of water change

Clean the water in the vase daily with cold water.

Flower Food is not needed for peonies but you are more than welcome to use.

Secondary (side buds) do not bloom.